Thursday, July 2, 2015

Praise God!

The Students Union Government called a meeting, the Vice Chancellor had reneged on his promise, they had to show him they could not be toyed with, they would make the school ungovernable for him.
The students began to gather until they had a crowd of over 500 students. It was time to start the riot but they needed a song; "where are the kegites, give us Aluta". The Kegites began to sing "wole wa, wole wa o, emi Aluta, wole wa o" (come in the spirit of resistance or struggle).
In less than 10 minutes, the gathering was wild and bold and they marched as one to the school gate, they overpowered the security men, collected the keys to the gate and started burning tyres, no one could come in or go out, they were in charge and it would remain that way until the VC grants their wishes.
The spiritual has a protocol, every spirit responds to music, that's why every religion sings! Muslims sing to rally the faithfuls every time they pray, traditional worshippers sing, cultists sing.
Why then do you not have worship songs on your phone if you call yourself a child of the Most High God? Let worship songs be your alarm beep.
Music is powerful, 2 Chronicles 20:22(NIV) tells us that Israel was in trouble; 22As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated.
When a situation is beyond your control and you have prayed and fasted, try praising God! You can pray amiss but you cannot praise amiss.
‪#‎Thank ‪#‎you for reading, I love you! Please make sure you share this Gospel of Jesus Christ so that others can be blessed just like you have been blessed. Follow @walejana on Twitter and Instagram

Jesus is Lord. Shalom
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