Friday, July 3, 2015


Over 50 million people all over the world were tuned in to CNN to watch Larry King interview Mr. Joseph Jacob, the Prime Minister of Egypt. His story was remarkable; he had been in prison for over 3 years over an allegation of rape and from the prison, he had become prime minister because he provided a solution to Egypt's economic crisis and Egypt had become a world power.
The world needed to hear the story of this 30 year old man.
Larry King: Welcome to the show Mr. Joseph Jacob, how did you solve Egypt's economic crisis?
Joseph: Thank you Larry, I do not have any solutions but Jehovah did and He could have used any platform to justify and promote me. You see its not about becoming prime minister, it's about growing up on the inside.
For 2 years, I carried so much bitterness and a desire for revenge against those who have hurt me in my heart and Jehovah knew that as long as I had that mindset, I could not fulfil the purpose He had for me. He also deliberately kept me in prison so that frustration would not drive me out of Egypt.
The moment I made up my mind to truly forgive all those who had hurt me, God promoted me. I want to encourage someone to let go of all the pain and hurt and leave revenge to God. Those plans and thoughts of revenge is shunting your growth and preventing your next level, let it go and watch God promote you.
Larry King: Wow! Wonderful insight Mr. Joseph, we really thank you for your time, we would love to have you some other time.
Joseph: Thank you Larry, it's my pleasure.

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