Monday, February 1, 2016

Discover Your Gift

  Ify showed up at Tom Ford USA and demanded an audience with Mr. Tom Ford, she told him she would like to work with him, Mr. Tom Ford looked at her closely and said " I don't need a secretary". Ify smiled and explained she didn't want to be his secretary but his director of colors, he was very curious at this stage, he had never heard anything like it before. She explained that there are certain colors that appeal to the senses and her number one gift was to arrange those colors. 

Tom Ford decided to give Ify a try, it was one of the best decisions he ever made, his business exploded because of the various color codes Ify arranged.

The bible says in Proverbs 18:16 (ESV) A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before the great.

There is a gift God has put in you that will change your life! It will change your bank account, it will change your status. You may have degrees as long as a thermometer but if you don't identify your dominant gift you will struggle. For Ronaldo, his gift are his feet, for Michael Jackson, it's his voice and dance moves, for Martin Luther King, it was his oratorical skills and many others.  Find your gift, sharpen it and the world will wait on you.  

When you discover your gift, make sure you also use it to promote the kingdom of God. You will be around a long time if you make that decision.

     #AGratefulHeart #AllThingsNew #TokunboisForbidden #2BrandnewBenzPhillipians4:19 #DoubleForMyTroubleIsaiah61:7 #IAmTooLoadedToFail #WeDontSurviveWeThrive #JesusDidIt #CelebratingPB #COZADubai

My 20 year dream is to see the Gospel preached to a billion people through the social media. You too can be a social media evangelist, kindly share and repost this Gospel of Jesus Christ so that others can be blessed just like you have been blessed. Thank you for reading. Shalom
Jesus is Lord 

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