Saturday, April 30, 2016

Jesus Is Your Flag

Something happened to me yesterday; I usually get hundreds of calls and enquires from people who want to register as distributors under my company Sapphire Scents.  A lady called and made enquiries then I referred her to my website where she watched our video;  The Sapphire Scents Experience then she asked if she could make a suggestion, she said there was too much Jesus on my posts,  that rather than say Jesus Did It like we always do,  we should say God did it because that is generally acceptable.

I couldn’t believe my ears;  first of all,  she wouldn’t even know that Sapphire Scents existed If Jesus did not multiply 4 bottles of perfume to a business selling thousands of perfumes every week. You see many people conform to the world. they want to be acceptable to the world because they think that is where their supply comes from but some of us eat manna everyday,  some of us are recipients of supernatural supply,  some of us have angels bringing money to us at all times regardless of what the economy says and I know for a fact that it’s all because of Jesus! Where would I be without Jesus?  I would be a laughing stock,  I would be broke and busted,  I am NOTHING without Jesus!

You see some of you are smart,  you know how to work things out on your own but for me,  everything I tried outside Jesus failed! Jesus is my Source,  my Strength, my Hope, my Everything!
Beloved,  I need you to be conscious that there is a demonic ploy to keep people from saying the name of Jesus but the gates of hell shall not prevail!  If you are a Christian, you must keep the name of Jesus flying,  it must be a flag everywhere you go.  Let it be on your status message,  let it be in your emails,  let it be on your phone message,  at every opportunity,  mention the name of Jesus!  Anytime you mention that name,  power is dispensed!
The Bible says in Philippians 2:10 7(GWT)  at the name of Jesus everyone in heaven, on earth, and in the world below will kneel
The name of Jesus is the key to DOMINION!  If you want to dominate anywhere,  fly the flag of Jesus and no gate of hell will be able to stop you. Happy New Month!

My 20 year dream is to see the Gospel preached to a billion people through the social media. You too can be a social media evangelist, kindly share and repost this Gospel of Jesus Christ so that others can be blessed just like you have been blessed. Thank you for reading.

Watch the Sapphire Scents Experience:

#BrandNewMe #TokunboisForbidden #2BrandNewBenzPhil4:19 #DoubleForMyTroubleIs61:7 #TheHolySpiritIsMyMentor #AGratefulHeart #JesusDidIt #ThankYouJesus

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