Sunday, July 3, 2016

Grow up!

I put a bar of candy in my daughter's mouth and she was trying really hard to lick it but it was a little big for her mouth. I began to worry that she might choke on it so I removed it from her mouth. At that moment the Holy Spirit whispered to me "there are many good things I want to give to you but you have to grow up to be able to handle it".

Growing up has nothing to do with age, the Holy Spirit was talking about spiritual maturity.  What does spiritual maturity mean?

1. A heart filled with love: if you are still holding on to hurts and unforgiveness, if you are still bitter and you keep grudges, you can't handle the blessings God wants to release to you because you will hurt people with it rather than be a blessing.

2. Faith: One of the ways to know when someone is out of faith is that they don't pray.  Is your heart still filled with doubt? God has done amazing things in your life, do you still worry instead of trusting God? Are you still anxious when you ought to pray? Do you spend time building your faith by listening to the Word? If there is no Word then there will be no faith and when there is no faith, there will be no results! 

3. Giving: Are you still squeezing 100 Naira in the offering envelope? Are you still cooking up stories to tell people so they can give you money? One of the signs of spiritual maturity is your understanding of sowing and reaping. You won't be forced to give any longer because you know that you have an heavenly bank account you are depositing to when you give to men. 

Let me ask you a question; when you prayed to God to send money, did He come down from heaven or did you see an angel? No! He used a man! The same way when you want to give to God, you give to your spiritual authority! 

Pay attention to these 3 points for the rest of the year and watch what God will do. 

My 20 year dream is to see the Gospel preached to a billion people through the social media. You too can be a social media evangelist, kindly share and repost this Gospel of Jesus Christ so that others can be blessed just like you have been blessed. Thank you for reading.

Watch the Sapphire Scents Experience:

#GodMadeBillionaire #ArabMoney #7DG  #COZABreed #TokunboisForbidden #2BrandNewBenzPhil4:19 #DoubleForMyTroubleIs61:7 #TheHolySpiritIsMyMentor #AGratefulHeart #JesusDidIt #ThankYouJesus


  1. Hey Wale.the last post is also in this post. Guess it's a mistake.

  2. Thank you Funmi, I have made the correction. I celebrate you
