Wednesday, June 29, 2016

God Can Pay Your House Rent

I am led to share this testimony with someone and I believe it will bless you. Someone said to me that my life is on social media and I said to them that the social media is my ministry and my calling, I have given my life to the service of God on social media to glorify His name and for many people to know that Jesus is alive and that He is still in the business of blessing people. 

I am sure my readers all know the testimony of my apartment and how God made it happen. I had to pay a million naira to the lady who gave me the apartment and six months later March 2016, the rent was due. So in 6 months I had to pay 3.1m and guess where I was coming from, I was coming from a salary of 140k per month and from squatting in my brother's apartment.  

I had never paid house rent in my 32 years of existence but God had always kept me in beautiful houses. Ladies and gentlemen, don't listen to any advice that does not have biblical backing! People tell you to start small, get a one room apartment, drive a Tokunbo car. Do you know why they tell you those things? Those are their experiences! Your experience shapes the kind of advice you give people and YOUR EXPERIENCE WITH GOD IS YOUR MESSAGE TO MEN! Anything and everything that happens to you is at the level of your faith! If you have faith that you won't drive Tokunbo cars, you will not! If you have faith for a one bedroom that is what you will get! 

The bible says in Phillipians 4:19 that God will supply all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Don't just take this scripture from verse 19, read the whole thing to understand. The Phillipian church took very good care of Paul and it was because they made sure he didn't lack anything that Paul prayed verse 19 for them! 

The Bible says that whatever you make happen for another person God will make happen for you. I had done the math, there was no way I could raise 2.1 million in 6 months UNLESS God showed up! God helped me to do certain things which I believe if you also do will produce the same results

1. Sow seeds: I began to scout for people with house rent issues and I would pay out of their rent. You see I am not a big saver but I am a huge sower, your savings CANNOT multiply but your seeds will MULTIPLY, be smart!  

2. Thank God for it: do you have a thanksgiving list? Whatever you thank God for will happen in time. I added the house rent to my thanksgiving list and God made it happen. 

3. Speak words of faith: God doesn't work with your dates because He is smarter than you but whenever there is a need that has to be met, trust God to meet it now! When March was near, my house agent asked when I would pay the rent, I would say "soon" but then he started insisting on a date and I asked the Holy Spirit what I should say, He said to me "when do you want it paid?" I said "now". The Holy Spirit then told me to tell the agent to expect payment before that month ran out and that was what I told him. Before that month was over, the rent was paid! I didn't have to struggle or hustle, it was easy! The Word became flesh! 

4. Act your faith! The proof that you believe something will show in your actions, it never crossed my mind that March 2016 would come and my rent would not have been paid for. I just went on decorating the house and making everywhere beautiful.  Where you are living right now is proof of your level of faith! Whenever you judge things by your pocket, you have just shortchanged yourself! Let the Word of God shape your actions, God will do whatever you EXPECT Him to do. Expectation is the mother of manifestation. 

5. Have a prayer partner: If you are married, your wife/ husband should be your prayer partner and if you are not, pray with your Fiancee. Both of you will be together for life, what concerns her, concerns you. My wife and I pray together every 12 noon, the prayer of agreement is powerful. The bible says when "two agree concerning ANYTHING, it will be done for them". Both of you praying together can move mountains.

Faith works! The Word will give you what your labour cannot give you! I have set my eyes on a beautiful 6 bedroom on 3 floors just a few houses from mine. Expect to hear my testimony soon! 

My 20 year dream is to see the Gospel preached to a billion people through the social media. You too can be a social media evangelist, kindly share and repost this Gospel of Jesus Christ so that others can be blessed just like you have been blessed. Thank you for reading.

Watch the Sapphire Scents Experience:

#GodMadeBillionaire #ArabMoney #iAdvance #COZABreed #TokunboisForbidden #2BrandNewBenzPhil4:19 #DoubleForMyTroubleIs61:7 #TheHolySpiritIsMyMentor #AGratefulHeart #JesusDidIt #ThankYouJesus


  1. Pray we find a home to rent soon !

  2. I will have a new apartment to live in God will make a way and make me a CEO and I will be able to pay the rent easily and I will look back on the days I was broke and just laugh and I will tell people of God and how he blessed me and changed my life for the better and how my health got better in Jesus name I decree and declare it God is about to do it.

  3. Reading this gives me hope and faith!! I was loosing my faith ! I keep praying to be able to pay my rent !! Keep me in your prayers!!!

  4. Reading this strengthened my faith. I woke up to pray concerning my rent and I came across this post on the internet. I believe God will pay the rent NOW!!! Thank you for sharing your testimony!!!

  5. For He is a miracle worker,he has done it for me in jesus name 2024 all things will BE manifested very powerful testimony 🙏

  6. This is so timely and makes my faith stronger. I’m currently trusting God concerning my rent. By the grace of God, I will come back to this same platform to share my testimony 🙏.
    Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.

  7. I believe this testimony, I key into it
    My boyfriend's lanlord has been on his neck for balance of rent I believe God who did it for you will do it for us

  8. Reading this message strengthen my faith. I have been praying to God for a new 3 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment for me and my family. It have been a long journey with disappointments and denials for apartments and jobs. Waiting patiently for God to bless us with a breakthrough and blessings.
